Unstoppable Global Warming



The sixth volume of The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

Recommended Reading

A rich and original new book which explores the nature and creation of wealth in modern economies

Government and Institutions

The international bestseller which suggests that global warming is a natural, cyclical phenomenon that has not been caused by human activities

In this New York Times bestseller, authors Singer and Avery present the compelling concept that global temperatures have been rising mostly or entirely because of a natural cycle.

Using historic data from two millennia of recorded history combined with natural physical records, the authors argue that the 1,500 year solar-driven cycle that has always controlled the earth’s climate remains the driving force in the current warming trend.

‘S. Fred Singer and Dennis T Avery skilfully present their case for the existence of a solar induced 1,500 year cycle that generates warming and cooling of the Earth’s temperature irrespective of the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. The authors even more skilfully argue the implications of their findings to the on-going heated debate regarding the human contribution to observed and future changes in climate.’ Robert C Balling, Arizona State University

2008, 2007, Published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc, ISBN 978 0 7425 5124 4, 282pp, PB

See Also:
Climate Change Policy: Challenging the Activists edited by Colin Robinson
Climate Alarmism Reconsidered by Robert Bradley
An Appeal to Reason by Nigel Lawson

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