The Welfare State: Pensions, Healthcare and Education


Recommended Reading

A fully revised and updated new edition of this popular title

Energy and Environment

The international bestseller which suggests that global warming is a natural, cyclical phenomenon that has not been caused by human activities

Government and Institutions

The sixth volume of The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

This volume examines the failure of state-supported welfare programmes to benefit the people most in need of help. The eight articles and one book in this volume encompass forty years of criticism of the welfare state.

Seldon argues that the welfare state cannot, in the long run, solve the problem of poverty. It is driven by misguided egalitarian views which make it universalist, providing benefits for the middle classes as well as the poor. Because it finances welfare through taxation, it damages incentives to work. Moreover it diminishes motivations to save and to provide for one’s family as the state appears to take over such responsibilities.

Also Available

The complete set of seven books for only £79.95:

The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

The other books in the series at £13.95 each:

The Virtues of Capitalism

The State is Rolling Back

Everyman’s Dictionary of Economics

Introducing Market Forces into Public Services

Government Failure and Over-Government

The Welfare State: Pensions, Healthcare and Education

The IEA, the LSE, and Influence of Ideas

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