The IEA, the LSE, and the Influence of Ideas


Markets and Morality

This major new publication synthesizes the work of liberal scholars into a positive account of the ethics of the market

Monetary Policy

An 'educated laymans' guide to investment and finance

The seventh volume of The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

This volume includes six works that discuss the role of the Institute of Economic Affairs, where Seldon spent most of his working life. The Institute, founded by Sir Antony Fisher, was influential not only in Britain, where it had a major impact on the policies of the Thatcher governments of the 1980s, but all around the world.

In the works in this volume, Seldon emphasizes the power of ideas to transform society and provides insight into how he saw the place of the IEA (and his own role within it) in starting to bring about that transformation.

Also Available

The complete set of seven books for only £79.95:

The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

The other books in the series at £13.95 each:

The Virtues of Capitalism

The State is Rolling Back

Everyman’s Dictionary of Economics

Introducing Market Forces into Public Services

Government Failure and Over-Government

The Welfare State: Pensions, Healthcare and Education

The IEA, the LSE, and Influence of Ideas

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