
Public Service Broadcasting Without the BBC?



The IEA's latest publication is essential reading for anybody interested in the so-called 'new economy'.

Economic Theory

In this, the IEA's fiftieth anniversary special, numerous commentators and IEA friends reflect on the prospects for liberty over the next fifty years

Essential reading for all those interested in quality broadcasting in a competitive market environment
Eighteen years ago Professor Sir Alan Peacock made radical proposals in a report commissioned by the then Government on the future funding of the BBC. Those proposals involved making subscription to the BBC voluntary but providing a fund that would finance public service broadcasting on a competitive basis. The report was widely acclaimed, as its proposals would help ensure quality programming within the context of a competitive broadcasting market.

It is widely recognised that the technology is now available to make Peacock’s vision a reality. In the context of the Government’s review of the BBC’s charter and the broadcasting regulator’s review of public service broadcasting, this timely contribution once again puts the existing model of broadcasting to the test. Peacock shows how his radical ideas can now be implemented in practice. He also proposes a new corporate model for the BBC that will make it independent of the state but not fully commercial.

Peacock’s ideas are discussed by several commentators, including experts from the BBC and Ofcom. Public Service Broadcasting Without the BBC? is essential reading for all those who are interested in quality broadcasting in a competitive market environment.


Introduction by Philip Booth
Public service broadcasting without the BBC? by Professor Sir Alan Peacock
The importance of competition by David Graham, David Graham Associates
Why broadcasting is still special
by Carolyn Fairburn, Director of Strategy and Distribution, BBC
The future of public service broadcasting and the BBC
by Ed Richards, Ofcom and Chris Giles, Ofcom
The scope of public service broadcasting
by Stephen Pratten, King’s College London and Simon Deakin, University of Cambridge

2004, Occasional Papers 133, ISBN 0 255 36565 9, 99pp, PB

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