Camp Vinson.

Camp Vinson.

Save the date: 16 – 19 June!

Applications are now open.

ABOUT THE PROGRAMME: The IEA, Vinson Centre, and Institute of International Monetary Research are offering a residential programme at the Vinson Centre, University of Buckingham. The programme, targeted at undergraduates with an interest in classical liberalism, includes a series of lectures, seminars, debates, discussions, and social activities. 

AIMED AT: Undergraduate Students with an interest in classical liberalism.

DATE: 16 June – 19 June


“I honestly enjoyed it so much and miss my whole time there! I will make sure to recommend it to anyone interested in economics.”

“I have truly found this to be an invaluable experience and I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to participate!”

“I would recommend it to anyone who has a passion for economics and an intellectual curiosity to learn more.”


Past seminars include:

  • Classical Liberalism and Modern Liberalism, Dr Stephen Davies
  • How Money is Created in Modern Economies, Dr Juan Castaneda
  • An Introduction to Monetarism, Damian Pudner
  • Why Be An Entrepreneur, Peter Higgins
  • The Case for Economic Freedom, Alexander Hammond
  • Pigouvian Taxes, Christopher Snowdon
  • Why Governments Shouldn’t Fund Science, Professor Terrence Kealey
  • The Housing Theory of Everything, Sam Bowman
  • Liberalism and Effective Altruism, Dr Stephen Davies
  • The Price Mechanism, Dr James Forder


HOW TO APPLY: To apply, write a short CV and a covering letter directed to Ms. Megi Cara. In your cover letter, articulate your reasons for wanting to participate. Click here to submit your application.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications close 23:59 GMT, Sunday 27th April 2025.

COST: The programme is free to attend and covers accommodation and most meals, but participants will need to cover their own travel to the university. There is a student opportunity fund available if required. Details of how to apply for the fund will be sent to successful applicants.

The internship will be fully on-site at the Vinson Centre in Buckingham.