IEA Past Events

  • Dec
  • 16

How free market and liberal is UKIP? An interview with UKIP Leader Nigel Farage

  •  16/12/2010
Nigel Farage has recently become leader of UK Independence Party for the second time. But where will his leadership take UKIP? Where does his party stand on taxation, the economy and free markets? Find out in this fascinating session, as he is quizzed in a special face-to-face interview by Mark Littlewood – who will pose (more…)


IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street)

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  • Jun
  • 29

Libertarians, Lib Dems or the 'liberal elite'?

  •  29/06/2010
The Free Society and Liberal Vision present: The battle against Big Government – join the debate! The emergence of a Conservative-Liberal coalition government might now provide the opportunity for a politics based around individual freedom and responsibility, rather than government diktat. The new Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister use the language of liberty, but (more…)


2 Lord North Street, Westminster, SW1 (entrance on Great Peter Street)

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  • Jun
  • 24

Bad laws that threaten individual liberty

  •  24/06/2010
The Free Society and the Manifesto Club present: The battle against Big Government – join the debate! The emergence of a Conservative-Liberal coalition government might now provide the opportunity for a politics based around individual freedom and responsibility, rather than government diktat. The new Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister use the language of liberty, (more…)


2 Lord North Street, Westminster, SW1 (entrance on Great Peter Street)

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  • Jun
  • 15

Power or persuasion: what's the big idea

  •  15/06/2010
The Free Society and the ASI present: The battle against Big Government – join the debate! The emergence of a Conservative-Liberal coalition government might now provide the opportunity for a politics based around individual freedom and responsibility, rather than government diktat. The new Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister use the language of liberty, but (more…)


2 Lord North Street, Westminster, SW1 (entrance on Great Peter Street)

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  • Jun
  • 10

The surveillance society and individual freedom

  •  10/06/2010
The Free Society and Big Brother Watch present: The battle against Big Government – join the debate! The emergence of a Conservative-Liberal coalition government might now provide the opportunity for a politics based around individual freedom and responsibility, rather than government diktat. The new Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister use the language of liberty, (more…)


2 Lord North Street, Westminster, SW1 (entrance on Great Peter Street)

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
