Author: Christopher Snowdon
Total posts: 162
Public health organisations fail, because they spread themselves too thinly over too many activities
Myths about public health spending
Why banning energy drinks doesn't make sense
Introducing a Deposit Return Scheme to the UK
IEA releases report on junk food and its definition
Sin taxes can cost poor families up to ten times more than they cost the wealthy
WHO proposals on sin taxes could increase a British family’s food bills by nearly £500 each year
New index shows UK second best place in the EU to be a vaper
Banning fast food outlets is not the answer to tackling obesity
New book from the IEA is a comprehensive challenge to paternalism
Lift EU regulations to let vaping flourish after Brexit
Healthy food cheaper than 'junk food', finds new IEA research
IEA calls for 9p flat rate of tax on alcohol to fix illogical system
IEA releases new report on fixed-odds betting terminals
New IEA briefing shows sugar levy will cost taxpayers billions
New IEA briefing explains why a sugar tax would be regressive & wrong
How healthy living is costing us more in the long term
New IEA briefing explains why the Prime Minister is wrong on social mobility
Drinkers subsidise non-drinkers by £6.5bn each year
New research debunks the myths associated with extended opening hours
Christopher Snowdon debunks some of the myths on income inequality
Debunking a number of myths and straw men which proponents of free markets often find laid at their door
A new study into the causes behind a decline in the pub industry
Inactivity, not calorie consumption, behind rising obesity in the UK
Research into the overall impact of plain packaging
New IEA research calls on government to do more to end state-funded political activism
Poorest fare the worst under consumption taxes
Poorest hit hardest by consumption taxes, new research shows
Harm reduction is a better strategy than prohibition
New IEA research finds fat taxes would hit the poorest the hardest
Evidence shows moral panic at gaming machines ill-founded
European Commission spending millions on pro-EU lobby groups
IEA discussion paper shows the Treasury is losing as much as £1.2 billion every year to the illegal alcohol industry.
A new IEA publication explores the case for deregulating the gambling market
It's time for a radical overhaul of state-funded charities